Maracatu de baque solto of Pernambuco

Author: Admin

Pre-carnival rehearsals / ensaios in the Mata Norte

Unfortunately I am missing carnival this year but thanks to the magic of the internet – and the enthusiasm and skill of maracatuzeiros at documenting their own activities – it hasn’t been too difficult to accompany the festivities from afar.  Here are a few pre-carnival ensaios captured by Raphael Ribeiro

This rehearsal took place on the same street corner as always but with the addition of that weird white sheet as a backdrop, an innovation of Mestre Bi.  I don’t know if I’m down with this break in tradition, Bi – it’s called pé de parede, not pé de lençol!

Encontro dos Mestres – Buenos Aires PE – 18-06-2016

It may be the traditional “off season” for maracatu, but there is no rest for the maracatuzeiro!  Even though it’s the season of festas juninas and São João, there’s a big maracatu event this month at the headquarters of Estrela Dourada in Buenos Aires (in the Mata Norte of Pernambuco).  Along with being able to hear Barachinha and a full roster of invited mestres take the microphone during the night, Estrela Dourada will also be honoring the esteemed caboclo João Carreiro, the patriarch of a large and wonderful family all heavily involved in popular culture, who passed away last year.   The evening will start with a procession from the town’s main plaza at 9:30 p.m. and descend in a manobra to Estrela Dourada’s headquarters near the main entrance off the highway.

This event was organized by André de Lica, a young mestre and man who wears many hats.  He has hosted a radio program in Nazaré da Mata for many years, worked as an MC and announcer for scores of cultural events, and has recently ventured into organizing and producing his own.  I won’t be able to make this but I’m sure it will be a fun time and wish them the best of luck!


Os Guardiães e Coronéis da Cultura, Protegendo “O Povo” de Si Mesmo, Mais Uma Vez

caboclo1(in English)

Este post pode parecer uma estranha reprise de outro publicado oito meses atrás.

No dia 25 de maio, uma comemoração aconteceu próximo à cidade de Nazaré da Mata, em Pernambuco. Realizado no engenho de açúcar onde fica a sede histórica da Cambinda Brasileira, o maracatu mais antigo da cidade, o evento comemorava o reconhecimento do maracatu e do cavalo marinho como patrimônio imaterial pelo governo brasileiro. Com um palco profissional, sistema de som e luzes, e dezenas de artistas e outras personalidades se apresentando e discursando, foi sem dúvida uma festa linda.

E foi também uma grande palhaçada.

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The Custodians (and Coronéis) of Culture, Protecting “The People” From Themselves, Again


Illustration: Marcelo Almeida

(em português)

This post may feel eerily like a rerun from one posted eight months ago.

On the 25th of May, a celebration took place outside Nazaré da Mata, Pernambuco. Held on the sugar plantation that is the historic home of the city’s oldest maracatu, Cambinda Brasileira, the event was to commemorate the recognition of maracatu and cavalo marinho as “immaterial patrimony” by the Brazilian state. With a professional stage, sound system and lights, and dozens of guest performers and speakers, it was by most accounts a lovely party.

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